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Motivated & happy together

As I sit trying to figure out which film should be my next piece, my son said “what about Avengers End Game?” I felt what an excellent choice, so here goes.

When we returned home after the first lock down, the cable company took a little while to get us connected with cable and internet, which was annoying. We had to resort to watching our good old but faithful DVD player, yes…..we still own a functioning DVD player, lol. Anyway, it was Infinity, Twilight Saga, Arnie (the original version) or Sound of Music; slim pickings, I know, but don’t hate, they are iconic movies. Lol. Of course Infinity War was our top choice as we are always to swing with Marvel. Besides, we are major Marvel fans. Though we saw it once before at the theatre and own a copy of the movie, it was still an emotional show for us as we were happy, excited, in some parts disappointed and maybe even angry. Happy to have the chance to watch it again despite the internet situation, happy because we were at home in our space to view it and extremely happy that we were together.

I do not ever watch Marvel new movies without my ‘hunnies’. The energy I get from my sons looking at action movies, especially Marvel movies, is exhilarating, that excitement towards the characters, it is as if we are triplets, lol. I remember for Civil War with the introduction of Black Panther, wow, we were screaming together in the theatre, as my daughter sank into her seat with shame lol, poor thing. Normally she is not into the action films and is oftentimes outnumbered when choosing our theatre movies. However, Infinity War caught her and she was hooked.

The sadness came when Black Widow died, the sad message left by Stark as he was about to give up, the return of Spider-man, the tears Black Widow shared when she thought no one was there. In addition to the death of Stark and his funeral, seeing Hawkeye and how devastated he was. For me, it was Thor’s visit to the past seeing his mom; yes, I cried like a mook lol. My hunnies laughed at me of course and told me ‘I’m dramatic’.

Happy times; seeing the change in Nebula, how eager she was to learn new things from Stark. Seeing Captain Marvel to the rescue (although I did not think much of her character in the film), the excitement when Ant-man came up with the idea and finally when Stark worked it out, the father-daughter moment with him and his princess.

The disappointment: hulk! How they deviated from the original Hulk who existed mainly because of rage. To see him and Bruce as one, a big green ‘happy’ person…..YUCK!!!!! What the hell is that?! We were so mad and disappointed about that. I know the creators tried to live it down by trying to make it comical but that did not ‘fly’ in my house. OMG when Thor turned up with a big belly with long ras and a nasty beard, which totally killed the mental pics women came to love of him. Thankfully, he started working out, though missing the mark but it was great to see some semblance of him. My disappointment came from the end of Captain America, smh. I understand why the creators made it in that way, but I hated it.

When it was all over, our overall emotion was happy. Happy to watch it together. Happy that Marvel brought back the suspense, the excitement, THE MAGIC. As a result, we were motivated to remain indoors and enjoy our time together.

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