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Lets talk cartoons

Are cartoons for childre

n only?

Well, I look at all types of films and I love to laugh, of course, if it is at the movie theatre, my children are always ashamed. Lol. When the Prime Minister relaxed some of the restrictions in Trinidad and Tobago, we visited the barbershop, which I dislike doing, but when you are a parent, you have no choice.

Anyway, at the barbershop, there was a little wait for the next available chair. The boys were preoccupied with my nephew and their devices and I sat staring at the television, you know just looking but not paying attention. Until the red bird, on the screen, destroyed the mascot for the anger management class. Remember I said I love to laugh, well I started to laugh forgetting where I was, and my sons got MAD. I am writing this and laughing just remembering their response at the time. They started quarreling with me saying, ‘oh my god mommy, take it down Nah, ‘why you does have to get on like that?’ ‘Always embarrassing us,’ and the more they argued, the more I laughed. During my laughter and their displeasure, I was trying to find out what was the name of the movie and they refused to answer. My nephew then took mercy on and said, “Aunty, that’s Angry Birds. That’s an old movie aunty.”

I could not believe that it was such a cool movie and I had never seen it. Then the boys reminded me that I had not sat down with them in a while to watch cartoons. Yes, I consider angry birds to be a cartoon, therefore writing it off my To-Watch list and by extension skimping on our family traditions without even knowing it. You see, in my home, I made it my duty to sit and watch movies/ TV shows with my children thus creating memorable moments for us all and it allowed me to rate the movies they see. However, as they grew older, I stopped looking at the cartoons with them; only the other types of shows, but apparently, that did not sit well with them, though they never mentioned it to me.

Therefore, the barbershop run turned out to be beneficial to me, to them, and to the collection of men at the shop because of my joyful outburst. Imagine, grown men watching, laughing, and having a full-out conversation about the cartoon, Angry Birds.

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1 Comment

Kaara Ahyoung
Kaara Ahyoung
Dec 08, 2021

I never really took the time to watch Angry Birds. But I do love watching cartoons. Ever so often, I used to watch Garfield and Friends.

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